It's always been a pleasure of mine to give people an outlet for their creativity. I like what they make when I give them a canvas and some guidelines to work with. So much great work has come out of my experiences with this in writing, building video games, and creating online worlds. Most of the people seem to appreciate it too. I've seen marriages, children, and real life friendships blossom from these teams and communities that I helped to create, and those are lasting effects. It's not just about 1's and 0's.
If you're in need of that sort of outlet, you should find a place that lets you express yourself. You can do so with a vast amount of starting material in a rich setting that is ripe for your adventures, and you can inspire others with your creations.
For this purpose, now, my latest project is AvlisMUD. It needs creative people to build areas and write scripts. Wanna be one?
Marisa Giancarla is friends with Josh
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Male -
02. 09. 1975
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